I love everything about this bag. Great storage easy to get things in and out if. Very comfortable to wear and has my must needed stroller hooks ( or strap hooks that function as stroller hooks)
Stroller hooks
Zipper pulls fell off and need replacement
South Carolina
Verified Buyer
Must have bag!
June 4, 2022
Favorite bag! High end quality material. Lots of compartments but still sleek!
Verified Buyer
Great diaper bag!
April 25, 2022
Really like the Momkindess diaper bag backpack - overall, nice bag!
Pros: Love all the pockets and places to store things. The removable clutch is great! 10/10 the best mom hack! You just don't always need the whole bag with an older toddler.
Cons: It had a slight smell upon arrival though, but airing it out for a day outside helped. I wish the clutch was easier to get in and out of the front pocket and I wish the side water bottle slots were a bit larger... I can barely fit a relatively small water bottle in without some effort.